Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Our Micro forces have been dusted off and tarted up.
4th November will be Operation Epsom!

Spearhead rules are for divisional combat and should give a taste of bigger type WW2 battles....James Montgomery Mills will be leading the British attack hopefully to smash his way around Caen ...

It has been reported that elements of the 12th SS panzer Division "HitlerJugend" division will be in the contested area commanded by the Obergruppenführer Josef "Sepp" Dietrich and his wily crew.

The game will be played using an Umpire with hidden deployment and Orders and off table Artillery support, hopefully the game will inspire the FOW players to see the possibilities of larger type games using 1/300th scale mini's.


The Channel storm of 19-22 June delayed the arrival of the three new divisions (the 7th Armoured had already landed), with the result that Epsom was postponed until 26th June. Because of strong German positions on high ground to the west (the British right flank), 49th Division (known as the Polar Bears after their distinctive shoulder badge) were to attack Fontenay and Rauray a day before the main assault to secure the high ground the Germans occupied. This attack went in on 25th June, so by 26th, the German defenders – mostly 12th SS Hitlerjugend Division (Hitler Youth) – on Hill 112 were expecting an attack. The attack was launched at 0730 hours with a tremendous artillery barrage, rather like a First World War set-piece infantry attack. Amongst the indirect fire support assets were three RN cruisers anchored offshore and firing shells accurately fifteen miles inland! The first objective was to reach and force a crossing over the Odon river. As the opening barrage crept forward one hundred yards every three minutes, the infantry of the 15th Scottish division, moved confidently forward, supported by Churchill tanks...

Epsom night will hopefully concentrate on the bridgehead gained by the 15th across the river Odon and Major-General George Roberts commander of the 11th Armoured Divisions breakout and push on to Baron and Hill 112 with a view to control the high ground that overlooks Caen and cut it off from support before the 9th SS Pz Division and 21st Pz Division in turn cut the salient.

Even with Spearhead, the orders of battle for Epsom would mean a lot of kit so we will only be using a fraction of the forces involved in Epsom.

Lets see if the Brits can get to the Hill. Watch out for the Panthers!

The preliminary bombardment begins...

The 15th move out ...

The 11th Armoured in convoy to the river Odon crossing... 


  1. Nice one James ....its about time we used the Micro's to create a Bigger feel for WW2 Battles....Flames of Wars a decent game but the scale is a bit dodgey on a 6x4 table ....cheers Paul

  2. The Hitkerjugend put up a firm defense ....special mention goes to the Engineer Battalion and supporting Brumbar Coy ....Zieg Heil the Führer
